Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures

Female student reading a book outside on a bench

Morning Drop-Off Procedures

- Enter off Shady Grove Road onto the access road.
- Students will exit from their vehicle and cross under one of the awnings.
- Drivers will then be directed by staff to enter and take a right into the bus loop to exit.
- The gate closes at 8am in the morning; after this, plan to bring your student to the front office.

Early Dismissal for Appointments

If your child has a medical appointment that requires an early dismissal, please send in a note to make your child’s teacher and or our office staff aware.

Please note that if someone other than the parent/legal guardian is picking a child up early, we must have a note that includes the first and last name of the individual who will be picking your child up early that day (even if the person is on the emergency contact/pick-up list).

If you are sending an email regarding transportation changes, you must send the email to the front office.

Afternoon Pick-Up Procedures

- Families will use the access road off of Shady Grove Road for student drop-off and pick-up.
- For the safety of our children, the gate for dismissal will not be open prior to 2:25pm daily as we will have students using the outside spaces located by the access road.(Please plan your arrival time accordingly to prevent traffic back up on Shady Grove.)
- At dismissal, place your pickup pass in the front or driver’s window so it is easily viewed by staff.
- Students will be dismissed for pick-up after buses have loaded and departed school grounds.
- You will exit right onto the bus loop and proceed to Mann Drive. (We ask that families only turn right onto Mann Drive to ensure we move cars through the line as quickly as possible.)
- Staff will direct traffic from the access road onto the bus loop.

Safety Rules

- Children will exit from cars in the loading/unloading zone marked by orange cones.
- All children should exit out of the left rear door of the vehicle. (It is important for children not to walk in-between vehicles.)
- Please do not allow your child to exit out of your vehicle until a staff member indicates it is safe to do so.

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